Descriere producător
LS ELECTRIC is a total solution provider of electric power systems/automations, smart grid solutions and photovoltaic systems. We offer the highest quality and eco-friendly green innovations to our world-wide customers. LSIS has been operating under the name of LG Industrial Systems until it was separated from LG Group. In 2005, it was renamed to LSIS under LS Group and in 2020 renamed to LS ELECTRIC Co., Ltd.
- Convertizor de frecventa LS ELECTRIC LV0075G100-4EOFNPreţ, fără TVA: 2.767,80 RONPret, cu TVA: 3.293,68 RON
Livrare in cca.5 zile lucratoare.
- Convertizor de frecventa LS ELECTRIC LV0055G100-4EOFNPreţ, fără TVA: 2.376,42 RONPret, cu TVA: 2.827,94 RON
Livrare in 2-3 zile lucratoare.
- Convertizor de frecventa LS ELECTRIC LV0040G100-4EOFNPreţ, fără TVA: 1.984,99 RONPret, cu TVA: 2.362,14 RON
Livrare in 2-3 zile lucratoare.
- Convertizor de frecventa LS ELECTRIC LV0022G100-4EOFNPreţ, fără TVA: 1.593,60 RONPret, cu TVA: 1.896,38 RON
Livrare in 2-3 zile lucratoare.
- Convertizor de frecventa LS ELECTRIC LV0015G100-4EOFNPreţ, fără TVA: 1.481,77 RONPret, cu TVA: 1.763,31 RON
De obicei, in stoc.
- Convertizor de frecventa LS ELECTRIC LV0008G100-4EOFNPreţ, fără TVA: 1.314,00 RONPret, cu TVA: 1.563,66 RON
Livrare in 2-3 zile lucratoare.
- Convertizor de frecventa LS ELECTRIC LV0004G100-4EOFNPreţ, fără TVA: 1.202,17 RONPret, cu TVA: 1.430,58 RON
Livrare in 2-3 zile lucratoare.
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