Descriere producător
For more than fifty years, Ferrari Ventilatori Industriali Spa has been relevant with regard to industrial fans. The company was founded in Arzignano (VI) - Italy (1963), by Antonio and Mario Ferrari brothers and in 2016 joined Soler&Palau Ventilation Group, a world leader in ventilation systems.
A success story, characterized by continuous investments in technologies, machinery, knowledge and human resources, which means an effective contribution to the affirmation of Ferrari trademark, nowadays enjoyed the world over.
- Ventilator centrifugal FERRARI FRP 501 N5N-RD ATEX Ex-hPreţ, fără TVA: 19.851,84 RONPret, cu TVA: 23.623,69 RON
Disponibil la comanda, in cca.20 zile lucratoare.
- Ventilator centrifugal FERRARI FRP 561 N5N-RD ATEX Ex-hPreţ, fără TVA: 23.881,92 RONPret, cu TVA: 28.419,48 RON
Disponibil la comanda, in cca.20 zile lucratoare.
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